Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rebecca's Introduction

My name is Rebecca Duchesneau and I am so excited to begin my journey in Cape Town.  I am a a double major in History and Secondary Education. Ever since I began applying to college I knew I wanted to spend a semester studying abroad.  I decided to go to Cape Town because it will provide me with the opportunity to gain experience in the education field while experiencing another culture. As a history major I have always been interested in the histories of different peoples and places. What better way to learn about South Africa than to actually go there?! Also I knew that I would never go to South Africa on my own, so this gives me the perfect opportunity to experience South Africa. 

I have always been really attached to my family, so this will hopefully be a chance for me to get used to being away from them, (even though I am going to miss them a ton) while becoming more adventurous. Hopefully I can become less of a scaredy-cat while I am in Cape Town.   I can't wait to land in Cape Town and leave the New England winter behind!


  1. You're not a scardy-cat! Just making the decision to take the trip is totally brave! And home is never that far away's always with you:). You're gonna rock that program! But remember, you're not supposed to listen to a thing I say:). Can't wait to keep reading the blog! Have fun! Alison.

  2. Haha, someone from OUR clan being attached to their family? Bah, NEVER! I hope that the first 13 days have been quite adventurous and you are learning lots of new things about yourself and some scholarly things too. I've been rock climbing with Tim a couple times a week (he is soooo much better than I am) and Mem is still coming to yoga on Wednesdays. Newt and Albie are as cute as ever. Stef is good too. Best of luck, keep those chillins in line and write a new post soon!
