Sunday, March 11, 2012

Alex enjoying the moments

I think it’s really easy for us to take things for granted, no matter how hard we try not to. Looking past life’s simple pleasures to focus all of our attention on deadlines and to-do lists, and stressing about things that in the long run have zero impact on our lives, is where we frequently find ourselves throughout the week. Throughout my time here, I’ve made a conscious effort to enjoy every moment of every day, as cliché as that may be. That’s definitely not to say that I don’t stress out about menial things, however, I strive to brush those things aside and focus my attention on the tiny things in life that I often don’t take the time to notice.

Meika, Alex, Theresa climbing Lion's Head

This past week I often found myself taking that extra time to enjoy the little things that surrounded me.  Thursday night was a full moon, so many of us hiked Lion’s Head to watch the sunset. The hike up lent itself to breathtaking views, however when we got to the top it was even more majestic. As we sat on the rocks looking out into the ocean, watching the sun set and send beautiful colors onto the mountain, I found myself admiring the beauty of nature in a completely new way. Sunsets are typically beautiful, however when seen from the top of a mountain, it was a new beauty. As the sun settled down behind the horizon, the full moon slowly rose and we switched our seats to the other side of the peak to watch the city light up. From the top you could see practically every part of the city. Bit by bit the lights below began to illuminate and before long the entire city was sparkling under the full moon. There wasn’t one second of the entire hike where all that nature was showing us didn’t captivate me. From the rolling clouds over top of Table Mountain, to the jagged rocks and trees we passed, I took everything in, and in a whole new respect. It’s funny for me to think about how many full moons I’ve seen, how many cities I’ve seen during their transition from day to night, but it was something about being here in Cape Town, surrounded by the mountains and friends, that made me have a whole new experience, and enjoy it so much more than I ever have before.

These simple pleasures, I’ve come to discover, can come in various shapes. Whether it’s hiking at night, or taking a trip to the to view the underwater creatures and plants that we rarely get to see. Yesterday Meika and I went with Zintle, our “little sister” to the aquarium for the first time. Our afternoon was filled with wonder, amazement, and laughter- things that are so easy to brush aside on a day-to-day basis. It was so great to be able to experience everything with a whole new light, and take the time to enjoy each part of the trip. Being there with Zintle made me appreciate things so much more, and take the time to just sit and watch the fish and plants in the exhibits. By doing so I was able to see so many little things that normally I feel like I would have walked past without noticing.

Zintle at aquarium

So what it really comes down to I think, is surrounding yourself by new people who can help you see past the stresses of daily life, and appreciate all that life is offering. Whether it’s nature or a great afternoon at the aquarium, the simply things of life can be seen and appreciated. After seeing this conscious effort I’ve been working to make since we arrived slowly happen without me thinking about it, everything is so much more beautiful. Taking things for granted is a part of human nature, but taking the time to really see things, really experience things, and really enjoy things is what life is truly about. 

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