Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rebecca feeling protective towards her trip

So it’s been exactly a week since I left Cape Town, and I’m definitely still working on adjusting back to home. It’s weird to be back.  I won’t lie and say I’m not enjoying being back with my friends and family, but I miss Cape Town.
So far I’ve spent some time back at UCONN and at home with my family.  I like falling back into some of my familiar patterns.  I really miss my housemates, and co-educators though.  I may have minded the noise sometimes, but I miss all of them.  It’s an adjustment going from having people to talk to all the time, and getting to talk about the really important things, to only have three people (and my cat) in the house.  It’s oddly quiet sometimes. 
Sometimes when people have been asking about my trip I try to avoid answering with anything other than, “It was amazing. I had a great time and it changed my life.”  Revealing anything else almost scares me.  I’m scared that someone will judge what I’m saying and think I’m just being an idealist who doesn’t know anything.  It’s hard I want to keep my experiences locked inside me where no one can look at them funny and make sarcastic comments.  I don’t want anyone to tarnish my experience.  I know that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t share what I’ve learned with people, but it may take a while for me to feel less protective towards this trip. 
On a lighter note I crossed the street a couple days ago and a car actually stopped for me! For those who have never been to Cape Town, cars don’t EVER stop for pedestrians!
One of the questions people have asked me is, “Do you ever want to go back?” Unhesitating I answered, ”Yes.”  I knew I loved Cape Town while I was there, but after returning to the States I realized just how much.  It is such a unique, welcoming place, that I could not imagine never going back.  

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